Page 15 - Tennessee 811 Magazine 2021 Issue 1
P. 15
How you tell where a pipeline is located
Look for these signs
1. Located near roads, railroads and along the pipeline right-of-way
2. Marker for pipeline patrol planes
3. Pipeline casing vent
4. Painted metal, plastic or fiberglass posts
What to do if a Pipeline is Damaged or Disturbed
One of the greatest single challenges to safe pipeline operations is the accidental damage caused by excavation, construction, farming activities, or even homeowner construction and maintenance. Before you dig or excavate, contact the One-Call Center by simply dialing 811 from anywhere in the United States. Please call before you
start your project, whether landscaping, building fences
or performing a major construction project. Pipeline companies and other utilities will mark the location of their lines at no cost to you. Pipeline and utility markers may not show the exact location of the buried lines. When excavating near pipelines, many companies will require that they have a pipeline company representative onsite to inspect and protect the underground pipeline. Failure to call 811 before excavation is the leading cause of damages to buried pipelines. One simple call can help keep you out of harm’s way.
Even if you cause what appears to be only minor damage to the pipeline, immediately notify the pipeline company. A gouge, scrape, dent or crease to the pipe or coating may cause a future rupture or leak. It is critical that a cut or broken tracer wire be repaired. It is imperative that the pipeline owner inspects and repairs any damage to the line or related apparatus. Many states have laws requiring damages to be reported to the facility owner and/or the One-Call center by dialing 811. Do not attempt to make the repairs to the line yourself. If a line is ruptured or leaking call 911. Contact the pipeline company as quickly as possible. Pipeline marker signs show the pipeline company’s name, emergency telephone number and pipeline contents.
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