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levels of safety. The costs for appropriate installation safety can be capitalized versus the often unrecoverable legal and damage costs from incident damages.
Cross bore risk reduction is an essential element in trenchless construction. High confidence methods exist to complement and assist the requirements of damage prevention regulations. The end result
is the protection of the public, utility workers and property. Both utility and contractor enterprise values are preserved by eliminating incident costs
and public perception of a company’s safe work ethics from incidents.
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FREE Registration for Qualified Attendees at the 2023 Tennessee Summit
       The Tennessee Damage Prevention Summit
(Summit) was the recipient
of grant funds thanks to the Tennessee Underground Utility Damage Enforcement Board.
The Summit is scheduled to take place on March 29 – 31, 2023 in Franklin
at the Embassy Suites. The Summit includes safety, utility locator training, and damage investigation workshops open to registered participants that include state and federal regulators, excavators, and utilities.
In an effort to encourage participation from the excavating community and
small utilities with less than 5,000 customers, registration fees will be waived for those who qualify. The waiver of fees shall be considered a Tennessee Underground Utility Damage Prevention Scholarship (“scholarship”).
In order to qualify for the scholarship, the recipient must be employed by an organization that meets the following requirements:
(a) the recipient must be a representative or employee of an Excavator or Small Utility; and
(b) the Excavator or Small Utility is a new attendee of the Summit and has
not had a representative or employee attend the Summit previously in 2018, 2019, 2021 or 2022.
Scholarships shall be awarded on a first come basis and shall be granted for up fifty (50) individuals.
If you meet the qualifications and are interested in attending this one-of- a-kind event that focuses on public safety and damage prevention, email the Summit team at thesummit@ or give us a call at 501-548-6363 and reserve your spot today.
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