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from the desk of
Bill Turner
You’re going to be reading this after April has concluded, so let me start by thanking you for your efforts to promote 811 during National Safe Digging Month. I’m thankful that Governor Bill Lee once again signed a proclamation recognizing April as Safe Digging Month across the State of Tennessee.
The proclamation secured each year is largely ceremonial, but it documents our state leadership’s commitment to the safety of our communities and to protecting the investment in underground infrastructure that we all pay for, in one way or another.
The legislative session recently concluded and I’m happy to report that an amendment to the dig law that was drafted by Tennessee 811 and authorized by the Underground Utility Damage Enforcement Board (UUDEB) passed
and was signed into law. This amendment sets the stage for the introduction of electronic white lining as an alternative to traditional white lining in the field, allows our staff to begin collecting data on complex projects to propose alternative means for handling tickets with work extending more than 90 days or greater than 2,000ft, and updates the definition of excavation to reign in a hand digging exemption that allowed professional excavators to dig without notifying utilities through 811.
I’d also like to make you aware that an amendment from the Tennessee Gas Association (TGA) was signed into law. This amendment expanded the executive committee of the UUDEB from three seats to five. There are currently four vacancies on the board, so they have elected to fill the newly open seats on the executive committee at a future meeting when (hopefully) there are fewer vacant seats on the larger board – a wise decision.
TGA recently revealed the fruits of an 811-awareness project funded through the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Fund, which is controlled by the UUDEB. The project produced new video and audio spots to be circulated through a partnership with the Tennessee Broadcasters’ Association as
well as accompanying print and digital graphics that can be used by all utilities to promote damage prevention. We’re thankful to TGA for their support in spreading the word, and thankful to the UUDEB for the grant that made the project possible. Keep an eye out for these new materials – chances are you’ll see them on TV, hear them on the radio, or find them stuffed in an envelope with a utility bill.
This issue of the Tennessee 811 Magazine includes a recap of the Damage Prevention Summit in March. More than 180 attendees joined us to expand their knowledge related to preventing damage to underground utilities, and it was great to network with so many professionals who share this passion. Whether you made it this year or not, I hope you’ll save the date for 2024 and plan to join us back in Franklin from March 27-29. More info at
Remember to always Click or Call 811 Before You Dig!
William “Bill” Turner President Tennessee811
Mission Statement
To Provide the
Best Communication, Education and Notification Service to Facilitate Damage Prevention to Underground Utilities.
2023, Issue 2
Tennessee811 • 1