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High Consequence Areas In accordance with federal regulations, some areas near pipelines have been designated as High Consequence Areas. For these areas, supplemental hazard assessment and prevention programs known as Integrity Management Programs have been developed. If a pipeline operator has High Consequence Areas, information about these plans may be available through their company’s website or by contacting the operator’s corporate offices.
There is a wide range of products traveling through the thousands of miles of pipelines, everything from gas for your car to oxygen for hospitals. Many of these products can be highly flammable, harmful if inhaled, cause eye
or skin irritation or possibly cause difficulty breathing. Some of the materials could cause environmental damage. Because of these potential hazards, it is important for our neighbors to be able to recognize a pipeline leak.
Can Owners Build or Dig on a Right-Of- Way? Pipeline rights-of-way must be kept free from structures and other obstructions to provide access to the pipeline for maintenance, as well as in the event of an emergency. If a pipeline crosses your property, please do not plant trees or large shrubs on the right-of-way. Do not dig, build, store or place anything on or near the rights-of- way without first having the pipeline company’s personnel mark the pipeline or stake the rights-of-way and explain the company’s construction and easement requirements to you.
We Need Your Help The nation’s infrastructures, including pipelines, are a matter of national security. If you witness suspicious activity on a pipeline right-of-way, please report it to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible, or you may call the pipeline operator’s numbers. Threat advisories may be found at the Department of Homeland Security’s website
National Pipeline Mapping System For information about pipelines operating in your area, you may contact the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS). This database of pipeline operators and the location of their lines was designed for the public to have access to contact information for pipeline companies operating in your are. This information can be found at www.npms. Visit phmsa/offices/office-pipeline-safety for more information. For information on safe excavation, go online and visit
Awareness is the key to preventing pipeline accidents.
You can contribute to the safety and security of your neighborhood by knowing where pipelines are, and knowing how to recognize unauthorized activity or signs of a leak, as well as how to respond in the case of a pipeline accident. Pipeline companies continue to strive to be good neighbors, and just like any good neighborhood watch program, neighbors look out for each other. Join in with the pipeline companies to keep our families safe.
  2024, Issue 1
Tennessee811 • 17

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