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No More Excuses
How the Digital Revolution is Solving the Abandoned Line Challenge
Iwant to share a story with you. It’s a fictional story about a guy named Joe. Joe, an experienced excavator, diligently called 811 to get all the underground lines marked before his project. He felt reassured when the utility representatives arrived several days later and marked the live lines in the area. Not entirely confident that he had taken all necessary precautions, Joe meticulously potholed to expose the marked lines to confirm their locations.
Now, thinking all lines were accounted for, he began to dig. Unbeknownst to Joe, one of the pothole-exposed lines was abandoned, leaving a live line unaccounted for. Disaster struck when he accidentally hit a live line. This unexpected incident shook Joe to the core. How could this have happened? He had done everything right.
Abandoned underground lines pose a significant challenge for excavators and construction crews, as they often remain hidden, unknown and unmarked. The lack of knowledge about the location
of these lines can lead to unintended
consequences, including damage during construction projects and personal injury. To mitigate this issue, a solution was created that provides accessible digital real time! This solution is called “Digital Locate”. It is a real-time, transformative tool for visual representation, enabling excavators to identify abandoned lines and ensure safer excavation practices.
Digital Locate   employs modern technology and data integration
to create a comprehensive visual representation of underground infrastructure. The system enables excavators to access a detailed map on any internet-connected device, such as tablets or smartphones, offering vital, real-time information for your excavation/construction projects.
Digital Locate   may sound futuristic, but Line-Scape is delivering this today in concert with forward-thinking pipeline owners. These pipeline owners share their abandoned line data with Line-Scape who, in turn, manages the integration and reporting with the 811
system. Upon receiving a dig notice, Line-Scape sends a Digital Locate   to the excavator. All of this takes place in minutes, rather than days. So, how’s it working so far?
Over 10,000 Digital Locates have
been sent with zero reported safety incidents. Without any marketing or excavator education, nearly 30% of
all contacts are using Digital Locate. This program, which began as a single company pilot project for a small
area in Texas, now encompasses the entire state of Texas and beyond, with multiple pipeline owners participating. Excavators, to their credit, have quickly grasped the value of Digital Locate. They have come to rely on the Digital Locate   as it improves speed, safety, and confidence in the system. The Digital Locate   program will continue to become more robust as more and more pipeline operators choose to participate. We’re proud to share, the Digital Locate has been endorsed by Texas Railroad Commissioner, Jim Wright, as an example of industry stewardship and a solution to a decades-long problem.
By Chris Stovall Line-Scape
    2023, Issue 4 Tennessee811 • 9

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